Behind the Art
Katy Rana - Artist Profile
Artist Overview
Location: Send, Surrey
Primary Medium: Pen and watercolour
Professional Experience: 5 years
Style in Three Words: Fun, relatable and uplifting
My Artistic Journey
This particular style is in fact a direct result of my son's stubbornness. When he was 8 years old he began creating hilarious drawings of people. After 3 weeks of my incessant requests for more, he flat out refused to draw for me again. I was desperate to see my ideas be created, but knew my style of drawing was rather serious and precise. I instinctively picked up the pencil with my RIGHT hand (I'm left handed) and began to draw in a loose child-like style. Due to me being unable to grip the pencil firmly, the style is looser and more expressive than my usual. People loved it and off it took!
I'm inspired by everyday life and people's responses to it.
Creative Process
I'm an avid people watcher and love sitting in cafes watching others interact. I'll translate what I see around town into a rough messy draft. Then I'll trace onto watercolour paper, outline with pen and colour with watercolour.
What makes my process unique: I'm using my "wrong hand"! I'm actually a left handed artist, and whilst I paint my scenes with my left hand, all the drawing is done with my right. I struggle to hold the pencil with a firm grip, hence the looser, wonky lines.
Studio Ritual
I immerse myself with good music and podcasts at the same time whilst I create. This combination may seem overstimulating to some, but for me it is a perfect way to distract my mind from overthinking and just paint.
Current Collection
I had no brief or assignment with this collection, I knew what I wanted to create, scenes of Guildford, but no rigid view on what I should draw. I found this liberating, I just let my imagination go. Guildford is my hometown, so I absolutely loved painting scenes I've had connections with.
Favorite Piece: The High Street is my favorite for sure! I've spent so much time on these cobbles. It evokes so many memories.
Hope for Viewers: I hope everyone can feel my sense of humour with the pieces! And joy! My art is intended to put a smile on faces when viewed and a knowing nod of "I relate to that". Humour is everything to me.
Beyond the Studio
Either out in nature, I do love walking! Or, prior to having children at a lot of gigs. I'm a massive music lover. Now...I settle for listening to my husband play at home. I'm extremely lucky to have married a musician.
Surprising Fact: I spent my teenage years living in a secluded area of Northern Spain, mostly feeding chickens on our very small farm land. I was completely removed from the education system. On our return to the UK I had to start completely from scratch.
Future Plans
I am looking to publish a Children's Picture book my husband and I created. I'm currently working on a series of other Guildford scenes with the hope of putting on an exhibition in the near future.
Connect With Me
Instagram: cariKateture
Facebook: Carikateures
Prints: Available for all scenes and can be signed on request!